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Stay United FUMC wants to share information with you that has been carefully researched and evaluated for accuracy and truth.  We have beliefs that direct our decisions about the future of our congregation.  We have responded to assertions that some have made that might need further explanation or refutation.  We have tried our best to answer honestly and completely the questions that you've asked.  We have prepared and/or selected articles with information we think you should consider.  Finally, we have collected a number of internet sources that we feel might be of interest if you feel like delving further into these issues.  Please use any or all of this material to help develop an informed position on the future of FUMC Montgomery.

What We Believe

Affirmation: The Global Methodist Church is a new denomination subject to potential change in its formational document. The Global Methodist Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline is a blueprint which  is subject to change whenever the first Global Methodist General Conference occurs. There is too much uncertainty and too much potential damage to FUMC to leave stability and move to the unknown.

Affirmation: The UMC broad tent perspective that allows the teaching of views from one end of the theological spectrum to the other will be lost in a new denomination that may forbid anything other than a narrow focus on a limited interpretation of orthodox, Wesleyan theology.

Affirmation: There has been no change in the United Methodist Book of Discipline concerning the ordination of homosexuals or the marriage of same-sex couples.

Affirmation: Those of us who want to stay United Methodists are not comfortable with the divisive atmosphere than can accompany a potential denominational split. We intend to honor our pledges made when we became United Methodist members, to err on the side of compassion, and to maintain unity in Christ.

Affirmation: Our lack of unity as a denomination reflects the general polarization in American society and makes us less effective as a “beacon of light” for the Christian faith.

Affirmation: There are no guarantees that preparation of ministers from the Independent Methodists, the Free Methodist Church, or the proposed Global Methodist Church will be at the level of academic and experiential preparation required for ministers who prepare under the guidelines of the United Methodist Church.

Affirmation: This schism is reminiscent of the kind of split that occurred in the 1960's over the dissolution of the central Jurisdiction which separated African American and white Methodist churches.  Those events did not end well for churches that split or for new churches that were formed, many of which do not exist today.

Affirmation: Affiliation with the AME church and other Pan Methodist affiliations may not exist or be actively sought in a new denomination.

Things You Need to Know

Info about Various Methodist Denominations

Human Sexuality and Our Future in the UMC 

Why stay UMC?

How Have Other United Methodist Churches Avoided Divisive Disaffiliation Votes?

State of the Church for First United Methodist

Bishop Lawson Bryan's April 26, 2023 Presentation Transcript

What Some Assert

Assertion: United Methodist teachers and ministers are teaching views that are against orthodox Wesleyan theology.

Assertion: A resolution submitted to the Southeastern Jurisdiction by delegates in support of the empowerment of LGBTQIA+ people is proof that the United Methodist Church is becoming more liberal.

The statements of the newly elected bishops echo this trend.

Assertion: Few if any have been punished for ignoring the prohibitions against the ordination of homosexuals and the performing of same-sex marriages expressed in the UMC Book of Discipline.

Assertion: The UMC is [first] becoming increasingly liberal and is [second] gradually reinterpreting Scripture and doctrine to suit liberal thinking.

Assertion: The election of a married, gay bishop in the Western Jurisdiction is an indication of what is to come in the UMC.

Assertion: Our local church’s pro-disaffiliation group asserts that ultimately there will be changes made in the United Methodist Book of Discipline that will allow the ordaining of gay ministers or bishops and the performing of same-sex marriage in the church. The assumption is often referred to as “the big tent has collapsed” in favor of liberal thought and away from conservative and centrist thought.

Assertion: Methodist Drag Queen Ms. Penny Cost is proof that the UMC is liberal. 

Assertion: Based on an event during a pride celebration at Duke University in which some students made controversial statements, a wide brush is being used to paint Duke and the UMC as promoting a liberal agenda which will lead to the ordination of gay ministers and bishops. 

Questions and Answers

Click the link below to view answers to questions submitted to the Stay United FUMC steering committee on March 16th, 2023.

Other Resources Online

Click the link below to view a listing of other resources on the internet.

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